Sister Penelope Lawson, CSMV
Born 20 Mar 1890, died 15 May 1977
Usual byline: “a religious of CSMV” [Community of St. Mary the Virgin]
James (2016) notes that “her religious community’s policy until the mid-1960’s was not to use either first names or surnames on the works by any of their sisters, but to put on the title page merely the phrases “a member of” or “a religious of CSMV” (Community of St. Mary the Virgin).”
Corresponded with C.S. Lewis
Selected writing
Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis.
Secondary Resources
James, Richard (2016) "Sister Penelope Lawson CSMV: Her Life, Writings and Legacy," Inklings Forever: Published Colloquium Proceedings 1997-2016: Vol. 10 , Article 86. Available here.