Selected Work Underway (Some titles undisclosed for purposes of blind review)


  • No Ordinary People: C.S. Lewis on the Uniqueness of Persons (working title). In this book I explicate and defend Lewis's view about the uniqueness and value of individual persons. In part one I explicate Lewis's view by (a) showing how it is thematic throughout his work and (b) identifying what I take to be his general, albeit undeveloped, theory. In part two I develop, defend, and explore a fully-articulated version of his theory within the context of analytic metaphysics and contemporary philosophy of religion.


  • Compañero de la Filosofía Contemporánea de la Religión (Companion to Contemporary Philosophy of Religion), co-edited with Carlo Rossi. This volume will be the first of its kind in Spanish. The volume includes commissioned essays by prominent experts in the field and (as needed) translated into Spanish. To be published by Fondo de Cultura Económica, one of the largest and most prestigious philosophy publishers in the Spanish speaking world. This volume is supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

  • Antología de Filosofía Contemporánea de la Religión (Anthology of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion), co-edited with Carlo Rossi. This volume will be the first of its kind in Spanish. The volume includes Spanish-translations of seminal essays in analytic philosophy of religion from the last half-century. To be published by Fondo de Cultura Económica, one of the largest and most prestigious philosophy publishers in the Spanish speaking world. This volume is supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.


  • “Types of Tropes: Modifiers and Modules”, a chapter for the Routledge Handbook on Properties, edited by Anna-Sofia Maurin and Anthony Fisher (Routledge).

  • “C.S. Lewis’s Moral Argument” a chapter for the Anthology on the Moral Argument, edited by David Baggett and John Hare (Oxford University Press).

  • “On Death’s Unique Sting: The Uniqueness of Persons in C.S. Lewis’s The Pilgrim’s Regress (under revision and/or review)

  • An article on C.S. Lewis on Persons and the Personal Heresy (under revision and/or review)

  • An article on universals and self-exemplification, co-authored with Paul Audi (under revision and/or review)